Before I start writing new posts, I want to share a few posts I wrote over at Fetlife while I was on my, very long blogging hiatus. The first one I would like to share, goes out to all of those who have a little/middle side. I think, in the time since I wrote this post, I've come a long way with it. I will also share the comments I received on it,for they were pretty enlightening.
I've been thinking about this topic since it happened again, in such a bad way the other night. Between the time of bike ride yesterday, and last night and today I have been trying to look inside of myself with a clear head -and answer the ongoing question of why I have this inner war inside of me of pushing away my little side.
It's a very conflicting feeling, knowing you not only want - but need something, that you continue to push away against and fight.
Is it to be defiant? Absolutely not. I am an imp in many ways, but defiant I usually am not.
With that being said - I will rewind a touch. That moment of being triggered, felt like a serious shut down inside of me. Like I was starting to disconnect myself from it again. Why I think this is happening, is the constant
stress and worry around me... about my Father and being still numb over my grandmothers death, being she was more like a mother to me than anything.. and of course dealing with the never ending family drama that everyone always
insists on trying to put me in the middle of. Even my mother, subconciously (I think) still does this to me.
Wait Moment of huge clarification just hit, in thinking about what I just wrote.. I almost deleted, and
started over, but I think it's important, so I am leaving that - and continuing with the revelation that was just revealed here.
I think while pondering all of this just now, I have had a huge eye opener on why this incident was such an extreme one on my end.... The sudden tears and refusing to put my binkie in my mouth.. then once in, only keeping
it there because I was told to do so. Then spitting out only moments after you fell asleep. I had this urge to throw all my stuffies across the room, and my binkie along with it.. but being all the stuffies that get a place on our bed have a special meaning and place to me, I didn't have the heart. So I lined them up neatly behind me, but for the first time in a very, very long time.. I did not sleep with any of them. I felt angry, and I couldn't stop crying. Which, I rarely cry up till this last Saturday night after the release session, and the new approach that was taken on that. The tight squeezes during, opened a flood gate.
The next morning, the feeling was no better. I pushed it away, like I normally try to do. But I had this very strong urge, to pack everything , and I mean everything, little related - and put them away in a box -if not throw them in the dumpster. I only did not, because I knew I would be in a world of trouble. And, matters were not helped, that via text, I kept defying when being told to get my binkie, and put it in my mouth.
I honestly, only did briefly, and it was quickly back out as I went about my day, with my guts turning and feeling very confused on my sudden, harsh reactions to all the little stuff. I felt, shut down inside with it. Disconnected, but angry and conflicted.
Now, after typing all of this, and my new eye opener.. I am realizing that it's not just the current very bad health state of my father that triggered me. Mothers day, triggered me. While it was a wonderful day, for special
reasons - once home, I got a voice-mail from my mom. It had guilt, in her passive way, all the way through the message. On, why have I not called yet, or texted, and her rambling passive way of doing things. I called her back, to explain I had not been home all day, but had a wonderful night before and day - and that I was planning on calling her in the evening once things were calmed down here for the night. I got her voice-mail, my guts turned, and I tried to put on that chipper tone and wish her a Happy Mothers day. She still has not called me back. So I know she has hurt feelings.
All my life, I have ran to take care of both my mother and father. At 7 even, searching to find my mothers whereabouts for many years when they were unknown. Taking care of my father always, in cooking, cleaning, ironing,
filling out bills, taking care of myself - the house.... him. Dealing with what is, and always be, two men in one.
One, a man with the sense of humor of someone like Chevy Chase, and the charm and wit of someone like Burt Reynolds back in the day. And the other, who had a violent, quick temper, and many issues.. and would lock himself away from us and the world for weeks or longer when things got very bad.
My Mother was here just recently also - so aside the voice-mail, we already have touched base some on the fact that her visiting us here was hard on me, being she took many trips down memory lane while we were out about in town. I was born here, and they lived here 'till things got so bad that she left. She showed me the houses we lived in, the first two... were just houses. Nothing special about them, so I let her go on her memory lane trip, and
listened. The last, as soon as I saw the house... I could see everything inside. The stairs, the furniture.. everything. Even the wallpaper. It was very surreal, looking at the outside of a house that you did not know you would remember, but you suddenly can see everything inside of it, or how it was.
She went on another trip down memory lane, this one being a bad one - and while I have heard bits of the details here and there of the event she was seeing in her own head, I suddenly could see it in my own. I was sitting on
the top of the stairs - looking through the iron bars of the stairwell. They were screaming - so loud it was almost a numbing kind of loud. I had a small blanket that I was chewing on, and watching them, unknown if they
even knew I was there, or cared. My Father had a gun to her head, and everything was so intense, the look in both of them - faces, eyes - I don't recall what was being yelled, just reactions, face expressions. I tried to snap
out of this quick, sudden visual I was having, as she continued to talk about she left and kept driving - she didn't mean to keep going but she did, and kept drinking along the way. She then went missing for the first time
in my life -(and most certainly, not the last) and was finally found way up in the mountains, where she almost was at the point of killing herself, and it was days later before she finally realized she needed to call someone. Meanwhile, no one knew where she was, alive, dead - etc. She was reliving that after horrors in her own head.
I have, since she has been here, been fighting those triggers and memories - along with all the very fresh, and present health issues with my Fathers heart.. and this voice-mail that day, seemed to be a trigger on top of others that just set me off here.
I think, on a very deep, and personal level, during my crying, anger, wtf moment there - is that the rejection was a regression. I was repeating what I know.. or knew.. regressing to a point to where it touched my subconscious... not rebelling, but regressing to what I knew at that age, and even younger when on the stairs, watching the screaming and gun.
I know I have made a lot of progress with things in my past - these actually being minor to a lot of other things that did happen.. but I think what I have touched on here, is the way I handled things at certain ages, and possibly regressing to them, rather the normal regression ways of running to a stuffed animal or binkie. I didn't have a lot of these things growing up, I had to grow up hard, fast and deal with a lot of things that most would never guess I'd been through in my life. While I want the things I missed, the stuffies and etc. I think I am fighting them, because they have never been something that was in my life for long. And one very key phrase that has stuck in my head today has been this...
If I allow myself to be a kid all will fall apart, that is what happened the first time so why should it be any different now? That is what my psyche is screaming at me. This is the key thing, that I need to work on... I think.
*note - I have edited names to just *friend* to protect the privacy of those on my friends list.
@Friend I knew you would... smile. Big hugs. xo
The last few sentences chime with me on a big level with my regression I had to grow up fast and hard and thought if i didn't that everything at home would fall apart. So know you have a extra set of ears if you need them massive huggles xx
@friend The realization of the last was a huge thing today, I think. You cannot continue to work on something, if you do not know the reasons or cause. :) And thank you... very much! xoxo
And yes, i am very thankful, i have many blessings, and much good in my life - which is what makes me want to work hard to resolve things as well.. i do have Tamer, and now also @sparks_cloud, and many many other blessings and wonderfully awesome things in my life. :) Hugs! <3
and I hate it when parents play the guilt card, so doublehugs
But rejecting all things little is as self-destructive now as it was then. You aren't alone now though, and that's a very important difference.
@Friend Doesn't surprise me one bit, we've had many things in common since day one, and always have seemed to think so much alike. I really, thank you, for sharing that here with me - and adding your thoughts and experience in there.. I very much appreciate it. And my inbox is always open to you as well. <3 (hugs tight going your way as well) I am sorry you also, have had a rough path in the past, but know you're an incredible person, and one person I think is to be admired.
@Friend (Hugs) :(
Now here's something you aren't ready for... you need to start blaming your parents for what they did to you, and you need to hold them accountable. You can't heal until you stop blaming yourself in your heart for things you had no control of.
It stings to read that, but I know you're right.. them, and a few other people as well. Not sure how to even start with that one, but having it pointed out helps, so I can recognize it, and figure out just how to do that. :/
Start with 'it really hurt me when you did that to me.' The ONLY acceptable reply is 'I was wrong to do that to you and I'm sorry... is there anything I could do to make it up to you?' Don't accept any other answer. Counter their excuses with 'I was a child and needed your protection, not your problems. As an adult I have my own protection and I still don't need your problems.'
Stay frosty and remember that certain people love you unconditionally.
Ok ok, seriously - I know you are very right, as you usually are, Uncle.. and I know Daddy will very much agree with you. He's been trying to pull me out of that - (make everyone happy, even if my happiness is the cost) mode that I've been in since I was a child for years now. It's time I make this progress, for many many reasons here.
.. sigh. :/
Next is your children, from youngest to oldest. They need you to be as emotionally solid as you can be so they feel safe and sure of their environment until they have the ability and wisdom to control their own environment.
Next is Tamer, who shares responibility for your children and THEN you.
Now after those responsibilities are met, THEN you can see how much control you really have over the actions of your brothers, parents, whatever... and therefore how much responsibility for their lives or their deaths.
I'm here for ya too if you need to talk/vent <3
You did a great job with this princess and it is a big step in the healing process that will lead to a happier life with less doubt and anxiety.
I love you My princess!
make love not war
and even if they were wrong on some accounts, on the personal level, especially when dealing with our inner selves
make love, not war
is the way to go
I am sorry this took so long I have been dealing with so much! I move in with Daddy in 2 weeks, I am seeking for another job, and I have 2 new special people in my life…plus lots of other RL things. I have read this posting over and over trying to figure out how I was going to word it, well here it is.
Firstly I love ya girl, and I am right here with you on this internal little’s battle. I have been fighting my little side for almost 7 years. To this day, I still fight her a tad bit, but we are able to live in the same body and be okay. I am still very conflicted on how I can fight and push away something that is a part of me. Something I needed to live.
I find it ironic how much we really have in common. I to fight my little side because I grew up without being able to be a child. The whole coloring, binkies, and all that just wasn’t there. I grew up with a mother whom abused me and molested me. I was a no body, I did not have kid friends to play with, I did not get to play outside, or color. I sat inside and cleaned, cooked and watched the kids. As I grew up I started to hate myself and everything that “childhood” was supposed to represent.
Then I started to feel as though I was going crazy…having different personas that I could not explain, but I could feel they were there. That need to sit down and watch cartoons with a binky in and a stuffie in my arms. I refused to do it though. I thought as a adult it was stupid of me to do that which made me hate my little side. I wanted her gone, I wanted to be an adult without a little voice in my head yelling at me to sit and play with a toy. Every time some bought me something that would make my little side happy I would throw it away. I used to collect stuffed animals, I threw them all away.
Then my alcoholic father who was abusive to me and would scream in my face once he got a beer or two in him. He belittled me and made me feel small and fragile. I HATE that feeling, and I used to think my little side would be small and fragile therefore making me feel vulnerable. I could not have that. I completely blocked her out, I hated her. I hated how she made me feel and how she needed all those “little” things that I resented.
So let me tell you what happened because I disconnected myself from her. I had this unhealing empty spot in my heart. Like a piece of my soul was missing. I was depressed and I hated people. I hated everything. I was more alone then I had ever been. I couldn’t play with my siblings or be apart of anything “kid like” with them. I didn’t do toys, coloring, tv. I hated laughter, and I hated people whom were happy. I could not be happy. I started unhealthy habits and became so depressed I thought about killing myself, more than once.
I then found the lifestyle and saw they spoke about littles and all that…I almost refrained from getting in the lifestyle just because of that. But something in my head told me to go with it. So I did lots of research to understand what the lifestyle was about and how I would fit in. I went with a slave at first, because I grew up feeling like a slave…I cooked, cleaned, serviced anyone, anyway I could and even a smile was praise enough for me. Mind you all thru this I had no little. I had disconnected from her. She had left me. So I found my first Master when I was 19. I was with him 8 months (turned 20 with him). I thought it was the best thing in the world. I felt like I had found my place. I cooked, cleaned, showered him, pleased him in every and all ways that I could. Then it went downhill….he no longer showed that he cared, he longer did anything with me…I was a maid. I was taken for granted and more problems just occurred. I had put myself back into another bad spot. So I left him and came home. Then I found Daddy and this is where everything changed.
Daddy showed me that I was not living a good life, he built me up and talked me through all my problems. The happier I got the more I started to feel my little side returning for a second chance. Daddy bought me color books, and requested me to color some pictures for him. I looked at them and pushed them away. He pushed them back and said “Do it.” Me being the submissive I am and wanting to please I started coloring. My little came back slowly the more I colored. I started to feel better as I colored. Then at home with my siblings I was sitting in the room with cartoons on for my baby sister and I ended up peaking at it, feel in love and started watchin the show daily. The more I watched cartoons, and colored the more happiness I felt come back to me. I could feel my little returning, and it was making me feel whole again. Now 4 months later I would hurt you if you took my colors away. I would cry if I lost my stuffies. I sleep with a binky because it helps me sleep and stay calm. I finally have my little side back after 4 long months of having to re have a childhood shown to me. I realized it is okay to be a little, it is okay to want to sit and color and hold my stuffy by her arm and carry her around.
Now maybe you ask ok…where are you going with this. I say all this because I learned the hard way about disconnecting from her. I had to teach myself how to be a child again so that I can feel whole. I learned that I cannot live without my little side. She is apart of me, and you cannot get rid of who you are. You have to embrace her, and grow with her and teach her and learn from her. You have to understand that it is OKAY to be a little, it is okay to color and play and be goofy just because you can. Put a binky in your mouth and do not remove it, get used to it, embrace it. Color and play stuffed animal wrestling and all other sorts of things….but do not push those things away…they are what make you, you.
I am always here to help you , if you feeling like you might push her away…please come to me…I can help. I have been there. I hope this helped.
Now to the deeper stuff, I know it wasn't easy for you, to write all this out here, where other people aside from you and I can read it. But, in doing so, please pat yourself on the back and know I am proud of you for being able to do it. I know how hard it was. This post was a huge break through for me. I myself cannot even believe how far i have come with things in just a matter of a few days, between these eye openers, the support from everyone, and the approach my Daddy and Miss has been taking with me since..I am finally getting where I have been fighting to get for a very long time.
I am not doubting, with my inner stubbornness that I will have moments still, where I will try to fight it, I've struggled some already the last few days with trying not to slip back into the fighting habit. When I do, I will remember your advice here,along with the support from everyone,and the key things to why I was fighting it so hard to begin with. It's also been agreed between my Daddy, Miss and me, that it's very effective when they are strict with me, when i start to fight using certain things like my stuffies or binkie and such. That is helping me, a lot.
As for the past - I could go on and on, about how much I relate to so much that you said there. Yes, it is a bit ironic how much we do have in common in some areas. I try to tell myself, though - that with all that I have seen, the abuse, Chris killing himself,the other deaths in my life - it has all made me who I am today, and I see things in a way that some do not. For that small thing, I am grateful for... for I see the little things that get taken advantage of on a daily basis, I stay grateful for the good things I do have, knowing it could be worse - and HAS been much worse in my life.
You're a wonderful gal, and have a lot of wisdom for your age sweetie, and Im very happy we have become such good friends, and will always be here for you also. Thank you for the open door of being there for me always, the same always goes to you as well.
Im proud of you for commenting on this, with such heart felt, and hard words.
*Photo from Deviant Art by FatBottomedGirl*